"It’s not as if he had no will or no say in his eating of the apple. “God” told Adam not to touch the apple, He didn’t tell Eve. So Adam was the messenger, yet he went on and ate the damn thing. One would assume from this story that Eve was physically bigger and stronger than Adam, so much so that she was single-handedly able to pin him down and shove the apple right down his throat, totally against his will. Give us all a break!"
-Grandmother's response in effort to save Eve's legacy (source noted below)
Kudos to grandma! I love that new take on the old 'Adam and Eve' fairytale. And I say fairytale because unlike some people, I don't take everything from the bible LITERAL. There are many wonderful stories that possess a metaphorical meaning to them, but aren't meant to be literal. Although some persons misconceptions about gender seems to fuel this imbalance we've had with everything masculine and everything feminine.
Consider this:
“The Judaeo-Christian cosmology that informs Western civilization sees the female body and female sexuality in the person of Eve as responsible for the downfall of mankind. For thousands of years, women have been beaten, abused, burned at the stake and blamed for all manner of evil simply because of their sex. We forget, in this era of rapid change, that women did not even start to win the right to vote until the twentieth century!
-Dr Christiane Northrup, in her book entitled, 'Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom'.
Dr Northrup's Official Site
“Man enjoys the great advantage of having a god endorse the code he writes. And since man exercises a sovereign authority over women it is especially fortunate that this authority has been vested in him by the Supreme Being. For the Jews, Mohammedans
and Christian among others, man is master by divine right; the fear of God will therefore repress any impulse towards revolt in the downtrodden female.’ The belief that men are meant to be rulers of women runs deep in many Western traditions.”
'The Second Sex' - Simone de Beauvoir
I agree with these authors for the most part. However, I will say that those who believe that 'man is master by divine right' have simply translated the bible wrong. The bible from whatever religion they follow (I think there are about 31 different bibles in the world total). I also know that some translate it strangely and think woman are only created for entertainment for men. I known many persons first hand who have odd translations. I wish those that have those misconceptions shred their egos and just follow the message that Jesus taught, which is simply - love.
The return of the 'sacred feminine', is not about women ruling society, but it is about the return to nature, balanced restored, ying/yang united - both hemispheres of the brain working in balance, and higher consciousness.
I believe this goes along with perhaps 2012, the supposed 'end of all things era'.
But I believe it's not really an end to anything, but rather an awakening.
The truth has been swept under the rug for too long...
Do you think you haven’t been affected by the denigration of the Feminine? Read these statements, do they apply to you - yes or no?
- You feel guilty when you rest.
- You apologise for crying or showing upset emotion.
- In relationships, you bottle up your feelings.
- You have trouble asking for help or asking for something you want or need.
- How you look takes up more of your attention than how you feel
e.g. how a relationship or job looks to people is more important than how it makes you feel inside.
Click below to finish the whole quiz and find out your results:
Have you been affected by the denigration of the feminine??
Article on Feminity
Shemiran Ibrahim, belly dancer and spiritual teacher, has beautifully wrote an article about the divine feminine. Check out her blog! Quote from her, "I believe much of the world-wide disconnect women have with their true beauty and power lies in our collective disconnect to all things Feminine."
Link to Shemiran's Home Page
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